Use "generalise|generalised|generalises|generalising" in a sentence

1. Biorhythmicity modulatorsofseizureeventsin generalised epilepsies

2. - generalised actinobacillosis or actinomycosis,

3. Our history teacher is always generalising;he never deals with anything in detail.

4. The diagnosis of generalised morphea was suspected.

5. Generalised ensembles have been predicted to maximise their entropy.

6. It generalises piecewise linear geometry, semi-algebraic geometry and globally subanalytic geometry.

7. They generalised the use of a new invention.

8. 30 As Anne Gray has pointed out, it is difficult to generalise about housekeeping systems.

9. Soon, the algorithm was generalised to two and four legs.

10. There is many arguments to paraneoplasic character of generalised morphea.

11. Known also as right-angled Artin groups, these Abelian groups generalise the arithmetic addition of integers.

12. Nevertheless, there is one criterion by which we can generalise the rate of success in production.

13. The association between the generalised morphea and the cancer is rare.

14. Its dramatic nuances were often generalised to the point of opacity.

15. Severe cases of generalised reactions, including anaphylactic reaction, may be life-threatening

16. Typical Absences are brief (seconds) generalised seizures of sudden onset and termination

17. supporting more generalised access to information and communication technologies to bridge the digital divide.

18. The idea of a "fleet in being" can be generalised to forces other than naval.

19. 12 Eleven years of trapping has demonstrated that it is inadvisable to generalise from two or three years' experience.

20. However, the information in this section is about a specific condition called generalised Anxiety disorder (GAD)

21. Barycentric interpolation generalises linear interpolation to arbitrary dimensions. It is very fast although suboptimal if the function is smooth

22. Gamble argues that the adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.

23. We report an observation of association between a generalised morphea and a rectal cancer.

24. The notion of Archimedean property can easily be generalised to ordered fields, hence the name Archimedean Fields

25. 19) Gamble argues that the Adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.

26. ‘Todd generalised the arithmetic genus and the invariants of the Canonical system on an algebraic variety to …

27. WHAT IS Bulky UTERUS? A Bulky uterus is the generalised swelling of the uterine wall

28. Generalised Middle Stone Age archaeological materials represent the earliest term of reference in the geological series.

29. The pace of television favours simplifications, generalised statements, witticisms, and short sharp judgements on artists' performances.

30. And this is not just a generalised and detached polemic against injustice by an educated man.

31. Immune system disorders Uncommon-Urticaria, rash Very rare-Anaphylactic reactions Symptoms of generalised hypersensitivity may include generalised skin rash, itching, sweating, gastrointestinal upset, angioneurotic oedema, difficulties in breathing, palpitation, reduction in blood pressure and fainting/loss of consciousness

32. The generalised resistance caused the Soviet Union to abandon its original plan to oust the First Secretary.

33. During this time he helped to generalise the strategy and tactics of the Bolsheviks to newly formed Communist parties across Europe and further afield.

34. Uncommon: shock Not known: immediate type allergic reactions (hypotension, angioneurotic oedema, bronchospasm, generalised skin reactions), anti-insulin antibodies

35. A generalised outbreak of inflation can’t really occur, since all goods trade at the same price throughout Europe.

36. Life threatening reactions, including very severe generalised allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock, have been reported in some patients

37. These may be Lie point symmetries, but usually they are generalised symmetries and they form more general algebras.

38. * Conceptualising by Naming is a process identifying new concepts, including abstract, generalising terms, conventions, structures, definitions and rules. * Conceptualising by Theorising is putting concepts together into generalisations

39. In mathematics a Steinberg symbol is a pairing function which generalises the Hilbert symbol and plays a role in the algebraic K-theory of fields.

40. 2 Acute generalised pustular Bacterid can occur shortly after a patient has had a bacterial infection—eg, streptococcus.

41. 17 A training shell is a generalised tutorial system which can operate with a variety of knowledge bases.

42. Agflation, a term coined in the late 2000s, describes generalised inflation led by rises in Agricultural commodity prices

43. A function family of an entropy function is found from the values of the generalised correlation integral (103).

44. hyponatremia (decreased natrium level in blood). Intercostal (between the ribs) and thoracal lymph angioma with generalised lymph angiomatosis.

45. As Bessel, Legendre and Gauss did, Kramp worked on the generalised factorial function which applied to non-integers.

46. The price of the good (travel) is measured using the generalised cost of travel, which includes both money and time expenditure.

47. The increase in the regulatory role of public authorities provided further opportunity for the generalised application of the maxim.

48. However, we believe that the correct clinical diagnosis was acute generalised pustular Bacterid, which was originally reported by Tan

49. Conjecturing, generalising and justifying are fundamental practices in the discipline that play a vital role in the learning of mathematics (Ball & Bass, 2003; Yackel & Hanna, 2003)

50. “Core Beliefs are defined as fundamental, inflexible, absolute, and generalised Beliefs that people hold about themselves, others, the world, and/or the future”

51. A more abstract and generalised approach preferred by some scientists is to separate all uncertainties into three categories of - Bias, Randomness and True Variability.

52. Wikipedia suggests that geology is a term generalised to all planets and Areology is mainly used in popular media and science fiction

53. What Applicative offers is a generalised "lifted" form of application, and code using it is written in an Applicative style

54. The Audiotaped pacing and generalised reinforcers were gradually thinned once the patient's rate of eating was decreased to a relatively safe pace

55. He was the originator with Mike Kirkby of the TOPMODEL Concepts and the originator of the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology.

56. Taking generalised formulations of legal theory seriously can often lead into the cul-de-sac of the unspoken assumption of that theory.

57. These thoughts about rule-following in the mathematical case can be generalised to provide the argument against solipsism that we are looking for.

58. This generalises the concept of an algebraic variety as (the ideal of a) solution set of an algebraic equation to the (ideal of a) solution set of a PDE called diffiety.

59. Ad‧dress‧ee /ˌædreˈsiː, əˌdresˈiː/ noun [ countable] the person a letter, package etc is addressed to Examples from the Corpus Addressee • Generalising over speech events, he abstracts the roles addressor and Addressee

60. Between 1859 and 1866, he developed the theory of the distributions of velocities in particles of a gas, work later generalised by Ludwig Boltzmann.

61. But Coel has tackled so many subjects around which our generalised prejudices congregate, from recreational drugginess to bloodied tampon-sex to blackness, via the Blitherings of mindfulness, the

62. Similarly, and fourthly, the observation that Constatives often express beliefs generalises to the observation that speech acts quite generally license the inference that their sincerity conditions are fulfilled (to borrow Searle’s 1969 terminology)

63. An illness characterised by acute onset and constitutional symptoms followed by a brief remission, a recurrence of fever, hepatitis, albuminuria, and in some instances, renal failure, shock and generalised hæmorrhages

64. An illness characterised by acute onset and constitutional symptoms followed by a brief remission, a recurrence of fever, hepatitis, albuminuria, and in some instances, renal failure, shock and generalised hæmorrhages.

65. Turbulent compressible flow past an asymmetric trailing edge has been computed using the generalised-coordinate time-split group finite-element method and a lagged algebraic eddy viscosity turbulence model.

66. In the United Kingdom, the trademark name of Llodyds TSB's ATMs is "Cashpoint", and this can be attributed to the term being in danger of becoming a generalised trademark here.

67. Similarly, the differences in quality of gluing and of the inner layers, albeit variable, is sufficiently generalised to play a role in some buyers' perception, and should not be ignored.

68. Risk factors being common in both questionnaires included obesity, diabetes, late marriage, Autoeroticism, narcotics and alcohol consumption, use of paan/gutka/chalia, smoking habits, psychological distress, generalised physical weakness and urethral infections.

69. Its renewal in 1794 included an amendment that limited the scope of insurance policies concerning slaves, rendering illegal such generalised phrases that promised to insure against "all other Perils, Losses, and Misfortunes."

70. Papua New Guinea has the highest incidence of HIV and AIDS in the Pacific region and is the fourth country in the Asia Pacific region to fit the criteria for a generalised HIV/AIDS epidemic.

71. Affine scheme, the spectrum of prime ideals of a commutative ring Affine morphism, a morphism of schemes such that the pre-image of an open Affine subscheme is Affine; Affine space, an abstract structure that generalises the Affine-geometric properties of Euclidean space; Affine tensor, a tensor belonging to an Affine coordinate system

72. Work focused on several specific problems, including ramified spectral covers, explicit examples of families of smooth curves having infinite monodromy for the Hitchin connection in rank 2, vector bundles in positive characteristic, and affine Lie algebras of the celebrated strange duality isomorphism between spaces of generalised theta functions.

73. Is deeply concerned about the rise in gender-based violence in many parts of the world and the increasing rates of feminicide in Latin America, which takes place in the context of generalised violence and structural discrimination; strongly condemns gender-based violence in all forms and the abhorrent crime of feminicide, as well as the prevailing impunity for these crimes, which may encourage yet more violence and killings;